You think your internet browsing is secured? 4 tips to improve it

RapidVPN/ May 7, 2016/ Blog/

internet browsing

We do a lot of things online that needs us to be secure. We maintain our professional, social, and financial relationships online. We go online to bank, shop, pay bills, connect with friends and families via social networks and emails, research data, and so much more. Apparently, we rely heavily on internet to go through almost most of our day-to-day activities. Because we do so many things on the internet, it is imperative to be secured. So how can we ensure our security online? The following are 4 important tips that keep us safe online.

  1. Two-factor authentication: You should always take a few minutes to check out your account settings anytime you create a new account or visit an old website. Some websites provide additional security features that allow you to use two-factor authentication that can make you safer online. With two-factor authentication, even if a hacker gets hold of your password, he or she still won’t be able to login to your account without gaining access to your mobile phone. It is important for you to understand how two-factor authentication can be activated on websites you use as well as how it works.
  2. Create strong passwords: Passwords are allowed to contain about eight characters or more. This gives you the opportunity to use numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and at least one symbol. It is advisable to always use passwords that cannot be easily guessed. Using your birthday dates, your lover’s name, or your child’s name is not a good option because they can be easily guessed. We now have password detection software that can conduct brute-force attacks on login screens until a success is achieved or try common words that can be used as passwords. Having a long password that contains symbols, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and figures makes it harder for the password detection software to crack your login details. Also, your security verification question should be such that an internet search will not yield a correct answer.
  3. Being outdated makes you vulnerable: Software developers roll out updates so as to fix security issues. Every new browser update fixes serious security issues that can take full control of your PC or Smartphone. Updated browser automatically runs the malicious code when it visits an infected website that can take full control of your PC. So always update your software when an update rolls in.
  4. Virtual Private Network (VPN): Online privacy is connected to the security of a server. One of the best ways to be secured online is by strengthening your security. This will prevent you from connecting with online locations that are precarious. A VPN secures your PC’s connection and encrypts all the data you exchange online. VPN secures your web session even when you are using a public Wi-Fi, it prevents unwelcomed access to your device, it secures your Smartphone, it makes you anonymous online, it reduces operational cost, and improve productivity.

Apparently, using a VPN service is the best online security measure because it prevents all form of access to your private data. With a good Virtual Private Network, you are anonymous online and you can be rest assured that everything is fine.