6 Tips for Managing Security on Cloud

RapidVPN/ June 11, 2016/ Blog/


Having the Cloud enables us to work from anywhere we like, and thus brings with it a level of convenience that we could not otherwise have. However, despite its benefits, cloud computing also brings with it the risk of security breaches and hacks. These security challenges do not have to happen and can be reduced. Here are 6 tips that we have put together to help you manage your security on Cloud by increasing your Cloud data protection:


  1. Set proper levels of authorization

Like with anything online, having a strong password is critical. Always ensure that your password is unique and relatively complex so that others could not guess it. A good option is to always use the Cloud service provider’s password system as it will provide a greater level of authorisation. Also change your passwords regularly to increase your cloud security further.


  1. Verify that when you delete data in the cloud, it’s actually deleted

When deleting data on a computer you can be pretty sure that once deleted it is gone. However, with data on the cloud this is not so clear cut. Therefore, when deleting data in the Cloud always be sure to double check that it is deleted.


  1. Confirm that you own the data that resides in the cloud

Legally, in terms of data privacy, and intellectual property, you must know who owns the content that you upload to the cloud. For businesses who host third party data this is extremely important. Data laws vary geographically and so make sure you are aware of the data privacy laws in your area, and country.


  1. Establish service level agreements (SLAs) that specify data and system availability

Cloud providers typically have their own standards of SLA’s, but make sure to specify what levels of security you need for your own specific data, especially if you are going to be moving data and assets into a public cloud. Also be sure to specify your data and system availability and tell your provider about any restrictions that you have, or want to put in place with regards to how your data is stored, encrypted, and backed up.


  1. Make sure your cloud vendor has a viable disaster recovery plan in place

For many, the worst outcome of being a victim of a Cloud cyber attack is that they lose the data stored in their Cloud database. In order to prevent this from happening to you, make sure that firstly your cloud vendor has a viable, and effective, disaster data recovery plan in place. Secondly, make sure that you also perform regular backups of the data in the Cloud so that you will have another store of it should the worst happen.


  1. Monitor and track all user activity

A great aspect of the Cloud is that it enables users and providers to track what happens to the data that is within a Cloud system. As a result of this, it is a good idea to monitor and track user activity on your cloud system to ensure you know who is accessing your files, and what they are doing with them.  Ensure that you communicate with your cloud provider as well as they will be able to monitor activity too.