5 Security Terms Explained

RapidVPN/ October 11, 2017/ Blog/

5 Security Terms Explained

In this modern age, it cybersecurity is of much importance as much as the security of your house, car, or your other property. Over 90% of the world’s population with a cyber identity is at the risk of facing at least one security concern given that they have at least one device they use to connect to the internet with almost on a daily basis. Malicious hackers are getting smarter, and you have to understand the ways to protect yourself from their activities. In this guide, we look at the various security terms you should understand to stay a few steps ahead of them.

Spear Phishing

Phishing is the malicious practice of sending emails with the intent to make you disclose your personal information. Spear phishing, on the other hand, is a type of phishing where the attack targets specific individuals and corporates. Hackers and cyber criminals send out emails to some people particularly to one organization, and due to their targeted nature, spear phishing is harder to detect and very effective.


This is a network of compromised computers connected to the internet with malicious code and algorithm to infiltrate and steal information. The botnet is under the remote control of a bot master, the administrator who provides direction to the compromised computers in the botnet.


This is a contraction of the term malicious software, and it is any piece of software coded with the intent of infiltrating and stealing data from devices or individuals. Malware includes viruses, spyware, ransomware, Trojan horses, worms, rootkit, et al. Different types of malware targets various parts of your computer, and they keep on increasing by the day. To protect yourself from malware, ensure that you are running the latest version of your operating system and you have an updated version of an anti-malware program in your device.


This is the fraudulent practice of malicious hackers sending communication from an unknown source disguised as a source known to the recipient. This type of security breach has one of the lowest levels of security available. Email spoofing is one of the most common types of spoofing because core SMTP does not offer authentication for the emails.


Most people are conversant with spam, which are ads and marketing messages spread via email, internet telephony, online discussion boards, et al. from unknown sources. Spim, on the other hand, is spam spread through instant messaging apps and software. Spim like spam will contain adverts with emended hyperlinks to visit a particular website.

In conclusion, protecting yourself from cyber-attacks begins with understanding the terminologies used. These terms and more will help you take the necessary precautions and safeguard yourself from becoming a victim of malicious cyber attackers.